Sketch out a frame on your paper then draw your favorite super hero in it. Why are they your favorite? Write your answer below your frame.

Use this link to print a frame for your super hero.
Sketch out a frame on your paper then draw your favorite super hero in it. Why are they your favorite? Write your answer below your frame.
Use this link to print a frame for your super hero.
Draw a family of animals inside this frame.
Draw a frame in your sketchbook or use the printable provided below.
Draw a horizon line high up in the frame. Now you have a small sky and a large amount of land or water. Imagine and draw what is happening. Use colored pencils.
Draw your own decorative frame in your sketch book or print the frame image above.
Using a colored marker, draw a line in this frame from one edge to another. Do the same again with a different colored marker. Continue drawing the lines, each in a different color, until you’re happy with the picture.
Draw some type of box on your paper to create a frame like the one above.