Write your full name in capitals on the left and then write it backward on the right.
Day 29..
Using colored pencils, create a design for this T-shirt, made up entirely of rectangles.
You can draw a simple t-shirt outline on your paper or you can use the free printable from below.
Day 28..
Draw your favorite character from your favorite book.
Are you a huge Harry Potter fan like my daughter? Or maybe Outlander like my sister? Wherever your favorites land, have fun being creative and drawing them out today.
Day 27..
Draw the path you take to walk from your bedroom to the front door of your home.
Day 26..
Design a poster for something you believe in.
Need some inspo…? Check these out.
Day 25..
Turn this book upside down and draw a portrait of someone in the frame.
Day 24..
These lamps are missing their shades. Draw random objects on the tops of the lamps instead and add color when you’re done. Look at the example for inspiration.
You can redraw these lampstands in your sketch book or feel free to be creative and draw some of your own. If you’d like, print these images from the link below and draw random objects on the top.
Day 23..
Color these bugs in bright colors. You could add spots, stripes, and details.
You can either redraw these bugs in your sketch book and then color them or use the printable below. Maybe try creating some of your own bugs.
Day 22..
Look around you. Find three things that are red and list them here.
Red. Such a beautiful color. I think I will list mine and even try to draw them with red color pencil as well.
Day 21..
Draw your perfect tree house in pencil in the space below.
I love treehouses! I never had one growing up as a child but if I had, it is probably where I would have spent the majority of my time. Not just because I am the middle child and privacy was hard to come by in our tiny house, but there is just something about being outside and one with nature. If I could live in treehouse and spend every night falling asleep by looking at the stars above…I would. BUT, since that is a far away dream, for now I will be happy to sketch out my ideas on paper.
Check out these cool designs for some inspiration!