Day 59..

You’ve discovered a new bug species. Draw it below. Like all insects, it should have three parts to its body and six legs. Everything else is up to you.

Day 58..

A “horizon line” is where the sky meets the land or water. Use a pencil to draw a horizon line in this frame. Add details of what is happening in the sky and on land or in the water. Add color with crayons.

Day 54..

Dip a finger in your favorite colored paint and use it to write a word in the space. Once the paint has dried, use markers to add colorful details and doodles around the letters.

Avoid smudges! Keep your book open until the paint has dried.

Day 51..

Make a scribble in this space with a pencil. Look at it from all different angles. Do you see anything in the scribble? An object or a shape? Color in what you see.