Draw some circles that overlap each other. Only color in the spaces where the circles overlap.
Download the printable for a sample of overlapped circles.
Draw some circles that overlap each other. Only color in the spaces where the circles overlap.
Download the printable for a sample of overlapped circles.
You are ruler of the world! What does your castle look like? Draw it here with a pencil.
Roll up a piece of paper like a telescope. Look around the room or place you’re in. Stop when you spot a good view and draw it in the circle below.
Draw a large circle on your paper or in your sketchbook.
Fill in the shapes using colored pencils. The color you choose for each shape should remind you of the word next to it.
Try drawing these same shapes in your sketchbook or use the printable available below.
Using a colored marker, make a ring around each of the dots in this circle. Continue making more rings, in different colors, getting larger each time, until you reach the edge of the outside circle.
Recreate the above circle and dots in your sketchbook or use the link below to print it.
Draw the following textures:
A storm is coming! Draw the clouds, lightning, and rain below.
Imagine you and an ant have swapped sizes. Draw yourself and the ant next to each other.
Many artists draw everyday objects. Look in your home for an object such as a clock, a book, or a pencil cup. Sit in front of the object and draw it with a pencil.