Be a copycat! First copy the cat with a black marker. Then copy the cat with a black crayon. Draw a star next to the version you prefer.

Be a copycat! First copy the cat with a black marker. Then copy the cat with a black crayon. Draw a star next to the version you prefer.
Draw a cat on this rug. Think about its stance. Is it sleeping, or maybe getting ready to pounce?
Clink link below for a printable version of the rug seen here.
Imagine you’re petting a dog or cat. Draw some lines on your sheet with a pencil to show how it would feel.
Maybe you own a dog or a cat and to cuddle up and pet them is one of your most relaxing moments of the day. Or perhaps you aren’t an animal person at all and to pet one is not your idea of a good time. Regardless of which side of the fence you find yourself on, how we feel when we imagine petting a dog or cat can be shown in our art. Some might have long beautiful lines that curve and flow. Some may have short and sharp lines representing an entirely different experience. Close your eyes and just imagine for a moment or use these images to jump start your creativity.