Pick a word and write it in 3-D letters below. Color the 3-D parts with markers to make the word stand out even more.
Day 316..
Find a leaf, or a picture of one. Look at the color, shape, and texture. Draw and color it below.
Day 171..
Look at all these umbrellas. Use crayons to add color and patterns. Make each one unique.
Feel free to be extra creative and draw your own umbrellas in your sketchbook. If you’d rather have a printed image to color on, use this link below.
Day 18..
What is your mood today? Use a colored pencil to shade this box in a color that reflects how you feel. Then write a word that describes your mood on top of the color with a marker.
Draw a square on your paper. It may be large box or small one, depends on what your mood is. What color are you feeling? Now let your mood soak into the box and name it.