Day 354..

Cut out a face from an old magazine that will fit in the frame to the right. Cut the face in half vertically and glue one half down to the left of the line. Now use a pencil to draw in the missing half.

Draw a line down the center of your page in your sketch book, or use link to print one.

Day 179..

Add all the elements of a face to this head – but rearrange them so they appear in different places. You could put the nose on the forehead or draw the eyes on the cheeks – it’s up to you.

Draw an oval for the head in your sketchbook or print image above if you prefer.

Day 72..

“Abstract Art” is art that doesn’t try to represent or copy reality. Follow the steps to make an abstract portrait.

  1. Flick through an old magazine until you find a face that can fit on a peace of paper.
  2. Cut or tear the face into a horizontal strips
  3. Jumble the strips in a new order
  4. glue it all together

Day 50..

Swiss artist Paul Klee said, “A line is a dot that went for a walk.” Use a pencil and try it! Without taking your pencil off the page until you’re done, draw a face in one continuous line.