Day 354..

Cut out a face from an old magazine that will fit in the frame to the right. Cut the face in half vertically and glue one half down to the left of the line. Now use a pencil to draw in the missing half.

Draw a line down the center of your page in your sketch book, or use link to print one.

Day 353..

Keep a wrapper from a candy that you like and draw it here with a pencil. Add color with crayons.

Don’t have any candy?? Stop by the shop for a free piece or use one of images here.

Day 349..

Using a pencil, draw a person in motion. For example, they could be jumping, falling, running, or swimming. You could add movement lines, bent knees, beads of sweat, and other details to show the motion.

Day 347..

Design a new font and write your name in it.

Anyone else feel super nostalgic when they see these Dot Letters from the 80s?? We had this font written on everything from our school thermos to our storage tubs in attic. Do you have any fonts your remember from your childhood?