Using colored markers, fill in the three eggs. Add patterns, stripes, and spots. Make each one unique.

Draw the eggs into your next sketchbook sheet or use the printable below.
Using colored markers, fill in the three eggs. Add patterns, stripes, and spots. Make each one unique.
Draw the eggs into your next sketchbook sheet or use the printable below.
Imagine you’ve written a book. Write the title and design the cover. Make sure your design reflects what the book is about.
Draw your own book and cover in your sketch book, or use the link below for a printable version.
Did you dream anything last night? Or have any daydreams today? Using a black marker, draw what you remember in this space.
Pick an object to draw. Now set a timer for five minutes and use a pencil to draw the object in as much detail as you can. Stop when the timer goes off.
Don’t have anything near to draw? Try and see if you can draw these cherries in 5 mins or les..
Make a list of all the green things you’ve seen today.
Draw a cat on this rug. Think about its stance. Is it sleeping, or maybe getting ready to pounce?
Clink link below for a printable version of the rug seen here.
Cut out a small flower petal shape from a scrap of paper. Trace around it to create petals on the flower stem below. Add color with markers.
Print a flower stem below if you need some help getting started or draw your own.
Create a rocket ship that you’ll fly to the moon. Draw it with a black marker and use crayons for color.
Some kids have come to the aquarium, but it’s empty. Draw a huge underwater creature for them to look at. Add lots of detail and color.
Print the empty aquarium image using link below.
Think about a happy memory and draw your happiest face as large as you can. Your ears and hair should touch the sides of the frame.