What would you grow in this window box? It doesn’t have to be flowers.
use link for printable window box.
What would you grow in this window box? It doesn’t have to be flowers.
use link for printable window box.
Design a uniform for an outdoor adventure club.
Click link for a printable version of the uniform templates.
What if cats went to school? Using a pencil, draw cats in class.
Print this empty desks above using link.
Design a boat to take you and your friends on an ocean voyage. Use a pencil and colored markers.
What would your boat look like? A pirate ship, a sail boat, or maybe even a cruise ship. Check out these images for some inspiration.
Design a fancy pair of glasses for a rock star. Use colored pencils and markers. You could add jewels, patterns, tassels, colored glass – the choice is yours.
If you’d like a simple pair of glasses to start your creative process with, you can use link below to print one for your sketchbook.
Find a small pebble and look at it closely. Draw it with colored pencils. Try to capture all its colors and markings.
Place a small watered-down paint on this space and gently blow on it through a straw. Try blowing in different directions.
Draw something on each side of the scale. Use colored markers.
Use your artistic ability to draw scales on your page or use the printable below that provides them already.
Draw an octopus with all eight tentacles – each one holding a different item! Use a pencil for the drawing and markers for the colors.
Using a pencil, draw a person who is very sleepy. Think about what shows sleepiness in a person’s face or body.