Practice drawing small objects and their shadows with a pencil.

Practice drawing small objects and their shadows with a pencil.
Draw a self portrait. Then look back to activity 1 and compare the two.
If you’ve been on this art journey with us from the beginning, then you might remember our very first day of art was a self portrait. If you have your sketchbook, take a look back and compare it your portrait from today. If you weren’t with us on day 1, no worries! Go ahead and draw your self portrait today and continue this year of art with us. You can loop back around to day 1 next month and start from the beginning!
A new planet has whizzed into our solar system. Use colored markers to show what it looks like.
Cut out a face from an old magazine that will fit in the frame to the right. Cut the face in half vertically and glue one half down to the left of the line. Now use a pencil to draw in the missing half.
Draw a line down the center of your page in your sketch book, or use link to print one.
Keep a wrapper from a candy that you like and draw it here with a pencil. Add color with crayons.
Don’t have any candy?? Stop by the shop for a free piece or use one of images here.
Sketch out a frame on your paper then draw your favorite super hero in it. Why are they your favorite? Write your answer below your frame.
Use this link to print a frame for your super hero.
Draw a rainbow from one cloud to the other. But instead of an arch, make the rainbow a zigzag or wavy shape.
Draw some food that symbolizes your favorite holiday.
Using a pencil, draw a person in motion. For example, they could be jumping, falling, running, or swimming. You could add movement lines, bent knees, beads of sweat, and other details to show the motion.
Write down two of your favorite names. Now draw a portrait for each name.