Day 297..

Blue, green, and purple are cool colors, while red, yellow and orange are warm colors. In the first box, draw something warm using cool colors. The do the opposite in the second box.

Draw two boxes on a blank sheet in your sketch pad, or draw a line down the middle of your sheet to create two sections.

Day 296..

Find some small objects and trace around them in the space on your sheet. Turn each object into somehting new or join them together. Use a pencil first and then add color with markers.

Day 295..

Fill in the faces below. Everyone in the world is unique, so try to reflect this. Add glasses, scars, freckles – celebrate the diversity around you.

Get creative if you want and draw your own silhouettes and heads for the new faces you are drawing. Remember, the point is to offer diversity in your drawings to reflect the unique world around us. OR you can use the link below to print off the images you see here.

Day 294..

Draw a horizon line high up in the frame. Now you have a small sky and a large amount of land or water. Imagine and draw what is happening. Use colored pencils.

Draw your own decorative frame in your sketch book or print the frame image above.

Day 293..

Create your own dot-to-dot drawing. Draw a faint shape in pencil, then add dots and numbers around the outline in pen. Erase the pencil. Now try drawing the shape again by connecting the dots.

Day 292..

American artist Mark Rothko is known for his “color field paintings.”

Try it for yourself. Pick three different crayons and copy the Rothko-inspired example below. Make the edges of the rectangles fuzzy and messy, and don’t be afraid to let the colors run over each other slightly.

Day 291..

Take a walk outside or imagine a place filled with nature. Notice all the different textures and record some here.





Don’t let these numbers stop you. Continue to record as many as you can.

Day 290..

Draw your favorite famous person from history. It could be an inventor, a scientist, an activist – just as long as they inspire you.

Here are some people that inspire me…

Frieda Kahlo
Martin Luther King Jr
Corrie Ten Boom
Maya Angelou

Day 289..

Cut some white paper into four semicircles (small enough to fit inside the square below). Use a black marker and make lots of different lines or marks on each one. Then arrange and glue them in the square.

Draw a square on your paper the size you prefer. Or for our younger artists, let them use the entire sheet as their square. Below are some examples of what you can draw or mark on your semicircles.

Window frame in semicircle shape, vector design

Day 288..

Many artists link different feelings or sounds with specific colors, shapes, and lines. Try it for yourself…

Shade and angry color…

Draw a quiet shape…

Make a silly line…