It’s time for dinner. Draw your favorite meal on this plate.

Draw a circle on your paper, fancy or plain, then add your dinner favs.
It’s time for dinner. Draw your favorite meal on this plate.
Draw a circle on your paper, fancy or plain, then add your dinner favs.
Close your eyes and, with a black marker, create a tree using only one continuous line.
Draw a family of animals inside this frame.
Draw a frame in your sketchbook or use the printable provided below.
Think of an animal that has two legs. Do a little sketch of it.
Think of the last person who made you laugh – draw them here.
Draw some uncooked spaghetti in the first box. Then draw some cooked spaghetti in the second box. Use colored pencils.
Take your art journal on a walk – either outside or in your home. Find three things that are interesting and can fit in your hand. Draw them in the space below with a pencil.
American artist Ed Ruscha is known for his word paintings – works made up of simple scenes or blocks of color with single words or phrase over the image.
Try it yourself. Paint the empty canvas in a color of your choice. Once it’s dry, write or paint a word or phrase over the top.
Here is some of Ed Ruscha’s work to get you inspired.
Draw some steam coming from this teakettle. Use a combination of pencils, crayons, and markers.
Use the link below for a printable version of this teakettle.
Draw a square in your in your sketchbook and draw lines to divide it into four sections. Fill each section with a different color. Use two warm colors and two cool colors. Do any of the colors seem to come forward?