Take a slice of carrot, or another vegetable, and press it onto an ink pad. Print a pattern in this space, then add details and color with markers.

If you don’t have an ink pad, try using some paint like you see in the image above.
Take a slice of carrot, or another vegetable, and press it onto an ink pad. Print a pattern in this space, then add details and color with markers.
If you don’t have an ink pad, try using some paint like you see in the image above.
Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh’s famous painting “starry night” shows stars twinkling in a night sky. His swirling lines gives the illusion that the stars are moving. Follow the steps to draw some stars like he did. Fill the space with them.
Think of a brown animal. Now draw it in a new, brighter color.
In this box, create a pattern using only blue triangles and yellow circles.
What would it look like if a mouse lived inside a seashell like a hermit crab? Draw it here with colored pencils.
Practice making 3-D shapes in your sketchbook or on a sheet of paper.
You’re scuba diving around a shipwreck. Draw the treasures you find here.
Draw yourself as something you would like to be when you’re an adult. (or now)
With a pencil, draw your favorite three animals standing on top of each other, starting with the largest at the bottom and the smallest on top.