Make a list of all the yellow things you have seen today.

Make a list of all the yellow things you have seen today.
Is there a musical instrument you can, or you wish you could, play? Find a photo of it and draw it with a pencil.
You’ve been asked to design a round house. Draw it here with a pencil and add color.
Use a piece of tinfoil to make a tiny model of a person. Pose the model and draw it in this space.
Write down what your biggest dream is inside the cloud, then color it however you like.
Draw a picture of a large cloud in your sketchbook like the one above.
American artist Jeff Koons is famous for his sculptures of giant balloon animals. They are made from stainless steel (not actual balloons!). Try drawing some yourself. Use bold and bright colors.
Imagine that everything in the world is made of your favorite color. Draw some of the people, objects, buildings, and wildlife.
It is the year 2050 and you have invented something that helps people everywhere. Draw it here.
Design this pendant to represent you. You could include our favorite colors, an animal you like – whatever you think makes you, you.