Think of a foggy day. Fog makes colors appear duller. Try drawing a foggy scene in dull colors such as grays, browns, whites, and dark blues. Use crayons.

Think of a foggy day. Fog makes colors appear duller. Try drawing a foggy scene in dull colors such as grays, browns, whites, and dark blues. Use crayons.
You’re a chef and you’ve made up a new ice cream flavor. Use colored pencils to draw it. Write the name of the flavor on the card.
Draw our your own ice cream dish and name tag in your sketch book or use the link below for a printable version of the images seen above.
Mexican artist Frida Kahlo is famous for her detailed self-portraits. She would often draw herself surrounded by a border of things that were meaningful or important to her, such as animals and flowers.
Write a list of things that are important to you. Then draw a self-portrait like the Kahlo-inspired example above. Include drawings of some of the things you listed below in your portrait.
What does a raindrop look like when it hits a puddle?
Turn your sketchbook or paper upside down and, with a pencil, draw a person with their arms up. Then turn the book right side up again and add a floor to make the person be doing a handstand.
Do a scribble drawing. Use black marker to draw something made entirely of squiggly, swirly, messy lines.
Pick a pencil that’s the same color as your eyes. Without taking your eyes off the page, draw the movement of your eyes as you look around you – you’re taking your eyes for a walk!
Using a pencil, draw what the person is looking at.
Try drawing your own version of this image in your sketch book, or use link for printable.