Draw something that has been hidden inside this locket for 100 years.
Day 306..
With a pencil, draw a small picture of your head at the top of the rectangle. Now draw yourself a new and wacky body. It could be the body of a robot, or be made up of household items, such as a washing machine.
Draw a rectangle in your sketchbook or choose to use the entire page as your rectangle.
Day 305..
Look around you right now. Can you see any reflective (shiny) objects? List them here.
Day 304..
Look closely at your toothbrush. Draw it in pen in your sketchbook. Add some toothpaste to the brush.
Day 303..
Day 302..
Draw something inside this magnifying glass.
Print off your own magnifying glass using the link below.
Day 301..
Draw a house made out of an unexpected material – such as gold or candy.
Day 300..
Look at yourself in the back of a spoon. Can you see that your reflection is a bit warped? Try drawing what you see.
Day 299..
Design a flag. What symbols and colors will you choose?
Download your printable flag here.
Day 298..
What was the prettiest thing you looked at today? Why?