Day 324..

Draw a square in your in your sketchbook and draw lines to divide it into four sections. Fill each section with a different color. Use two warm colors and two cool colors. Do any of the colors seem to come forward?

Day 322..

Be a copycat! First copy the cat with a black marker. Then copy the cat with a black crayon. Draw a star next to the version you prefer.

Day 319..

Flick through an old magazine and cut out some thin strips of pages that you like. Glue the strips down inside these clothes to create a unique outfit. Don’t be afraid to combine clashing colors or patterns.

Sketch your own garments or use the link for a printable version of the blanks above.

Day 318..

Create a pattern in this box inspired by your favorite fruit. What would you put this pattern on if you could?

Check out this pineapple pattern for example.

Shannon Camden Art

Day 317..

What is the tastiest breakfast food you can think of? Draw it here.

Need some ideas or want to think outside the box? Here are some ideas.